29 March 2008

A short break

As it turned out, I did not take the day off today – too much on my “to-do” list.

But I did take my friend “L’s” advice and I let La Serenissima soothe me late this afternoon. The weather was beautiful, so I spent an hour at al Prosecco in Campo San Giacomo dall’Orio, my little corner of Heaven in Venice. I savored a paninetto (a little sandwich – how cute is that?) and a glass of their glittering organic prosecco… OK, it was two glasses. I settled down. I counted my blessings. Then I let my tired mind go blank. As always, al Prosecco’s brother-owners and Valentina treated me like royalty.

Afterwards I found this beautiful angel on the Salizada San Stae. His scroll reads, Domino locutum est per angeli - MDCCII. (I know MDCCII is the year 1522. Can anyone help me with the high school Latin?)

Sure hope this little break will banish the incubi and help me get back on track in the studio.