16 October 2007

Mimmo Rotella

I’ve bored many of you with my anecdote about an old Venetian gentleman who caught me filching old poster fragments on Zattere one bitterly cold January day and dubbed me “the little sister of Mimmo Rotella.” I knew nothing at all about this Italian collage artist whose favored material was poster scraps. But shortly afterward and by sheer accident, I became very well-acquainted with his work. Now I admire him greatly, especially his very large installations.

From time to time, one or two of his smaller works turn up in a Venetian gallery. (I have a pleasant little fantasy that he sends them here for me, to encourage me to keep at my own studio work. So I take his direction. After all, what kind of a little sister would I be if I didn’t continue to carry the banner of the master poster-snatcher?) I thought you might like to see this one, currently up for sale – his “Marilyn.”